"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self- confident and more and more successful." -Mark Victor Hansen

Monday, February 25, 2008

Getting back in to routine

My life has been pretty un-eventful this past week. I guess compared to Vegas of course it would seem that way! At the beginning of the week it took a couple days for us to get back in to our normal routine. Establishing nap time and bed time mainly. While Camron was over at his Nana & Papa's house they were always out and about with him during his normal napping hours. At bed time they just put him to bed when they were going to sleep as well. I'm glad he's back to his 7:30 bedtime again!

Guess what? Camron now has four teeth!! His other top front tooth came in while we were away. Now he doesn't look like a hillbilly any longer. Haha... He's also walking a lot more now. Ok so he's not really walking, it's more like he wants to hold your hand and walk with him in circles around the house. I know he can walk on his own, but he refuses. It's starting to get annoying. There's only so many times a day I want to walk from the laundry room to the living room and back again. He will walk all day while holding your hand if you let him... but he wants to go where HE wants to go... so forget trying to get anything done when he wants to walk. I also know that he can stand up on his own. He just doesn't want to do it! If you try to let go of his hand while standing he will throw himself down on the floor and start crying. I KNOW he can do it though. I've seen him! He's only done it when he's not thinking about it. Like when drinking with his sippy cup in 2 hands.

Anyway, I'm gonna try to keep this updated more. I've just put my blogs on the backburner lately because I've been working like crazy on Taylor's Military Designs. It's been taking up ALL my computer time lately. I'll probably be working on it for another week or two until I feel like it's back to where it was about 2 years ago. After that I'm sure I'll be back on here more. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Four teeth?! Look out! I am sure life would be better if you were still in Vegas, or on vacation just about anywhere, but... That just give you motivation to get back to soon!