"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self- confident and more and more successful." -Mark Victor Hansen

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Holy Crap! Do you see the double lines??? That's a positive pregnancy test right there! I know it's hard to see because the lighting in my bathroom sucks and it was taken with my cheapy cell phone. Just trust me that there's 2 lines there.... OMG I'm pregnant. Again. No wonder I've been so sick to my stomach for 4 STRAIGHT DAYS. And lucky me... I get about another 15 weeks of this. That's only if I'm REALLY lucky though. Some people go through an entire pregnancy and never lose the morning sickness. I should be thankful for the morning sickness... it means I'm pregnant and this is what I've wanted!!! Maybe not THIS soon, but Ronnie and I are really happy about it. I was really beginning to worry that I couldn't get pregnant again. I've been off of birth control since June/July of last year... So this has been a complete surprise to us. A wonderful, happy surprise!

It's still REALLY early though. I'm only about 5 weeks and I don't want to tell the whole world until I'm out of the scary "possible miscarriage" stage. 12 weeks seems to be the perfect time. Can I really wait another 6 - 7 weeks to tell the rest of my friends and family? Probably not. Too many people know already. Especially after posting this blog. LOL. I figured that I HAD to post some sort of news after talking about how sick I've been the past several days. I didn't want any one to worry about me....

How exciting.... I'm pregnant again. =)
So much for losing the weight this year. =(

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