"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self- confident and more and more successful." -Mark Victor Hansen

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Holy moly, I've never been so hungry in my whole life! I don't even remember being THIS hungry when I was pregnant with Camron. I'm taking it as a good sign that the teeny little bean in my belly is growing at a good pace. I think I should really go out and buy some fruits and veggies for me to snack on throughout the day though. The last thing I need is to be gaining 20 pounds in the first trimester!!

Let's see, so far today I've had:
Toast and Chocolate Milk
Bowl of Left-over Beef Stroganoff
Spaghetti-Os w/Franks
Sourdough Jack & Curly Fries from Jack in the Box(I was craving sourdough bread today!!)
....and now I'm probably gonna go raid the cupboards once more because I'm STARVING!

I have a feeling that this baby is going to be nothing like Camron. So far this pregnancy is the complete opposite! With Camron I was 3 weeks late before I got a positive test. With Baby #2 I tested a day before my missed period and that second line showed up right away. With Camron I wasn't nauseous in the beginning. Obviously with this one I was nauseous WAY before my missed period. With Camron I had cravings in the beginning, but I don't remember being super hungry ALL THE TIME! With this one I feel like I haven't eaten all day an hour or two after I ate a meal. Maybe all of this means that I won't have problems with this baby. Maybe my pregnancy and labor will go fast and smooth with this one.... Here's hoping. So far, so good! =)

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