"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self- confident and more and more successful." -Mark Victor Hansen

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Suck!

Well, so much for losing all the weight I wanted to by the end of April. I'm still trying to do it by the end of the year though.... I've just been so busy with other things that my mind hasn't been on exercise at all! I'm pretty disappointed in myself about this, especially since my husband decided that HE was going to lose the weight right after I stopped trying so hard! Ugh, that was frustrating... When I was really motivated he would just try to bring me down by saying things like, "You can work out tomorrow... Come sit with me and watch TV." Or asking me if I'd like some ice cream because HE was going out to get some for himself! So once I quit trying so hard he announced that he was going to start going to the gym every day. (I wanted to pull my hair out at that point!) I don't think he was trying to sabotage me on purpose, but subconsciously I think he felt bad about himself when I was all motivated and he wanted me to be right there with him. After all, misery loves company, right? Now he's starting to look all buff and losing weight and I'm right back where I started! =( Luckily there's still hope for me! I'll be walking EVERY WHERE! I already mentioned in previous posts how close I am to just about everything I need. Did I also mention that right outside my door is an in-ground swimming pool?

Anyway, enough about that.... I guess I should also give a little update on Camron. He's growing way too fast for my liking! Where did my little baby go?? Instead I have this little boy who is learning to run, jump and loves to get in to all kinds of trouble. His favorite (and I think his first official) word to say is, "Uh-Oh!" Seriously, he says it all day long. He'll even drop something on the ground on purpose just so that he can say it. I taught him to say, "Uh-oh, spaghetti-os," but it come out sounding more like, "Uh-oh, duntundudos." LOL. Oh man, he also has the "puppy face" down! He's also learned to pretend to cry... trying to get his way. He makes himself laugh and loves to make others laugh too. It's becoming so hard to discipline him because he'll be getting in to or doing something he's not supposed to and he starts cracking up! His laugh is so infectious that you just have to laugh right along with him! =)

I've taken lots of pictures the past several weeks and I'll get them up one of these days... they've managed to make it ON TO my computer... now I just need to re-size them and upload them. Someday....

1 comment:

Tonya Staab said...

Stopping in to say hello to another San Diego Marine wife mummy blogger :).

You don't suck. It's hard to get motivated. My husband and I are always trying to lose weight, yet neither of us seems to have the willpower to actually do it, ugh!