"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self- confident and more and more successful." -Mark Victor Hansen

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why am I awake???

Ugh, I've been up since 5 this morning... It's too hot in here to sleep. Our a/c went out last week and we're still waiting to hear back from our landlord about it. Of course during one of the hottest weekends of the year so far our a/c would stop working.

So the appointment went well yesterday... I guess. I'll explain more in a minute. Anyway, I'm going to the midwife clinic this time and I absolutely love it there so far! The front desk people were so nice and very friendly to me. My midwife, Nancy, is really nice and easy to talk to. She seemed to really want to get to know me and my situation. She asked about Ronnie and I, about Camron, about my previous birth experience and even about how I plan to feed the new baby. They're VERY pro-breastfeeding there! She mentioned that some of the midwives were even certified lactation consultants. Very exciting.

Okay, fast forward to my ultrasound.... since it's so early in the pregnancy I had to have an internal one. (Not as bad as I thought it would be.) As Nancy is searching around my uterus for the little bean I see nothing on the screen. I'm no expert, but I kinda know what I'm looking for. So I was fully expecting bad news... What REALLY started to worry me was the fact that she said, "So you've had no cramping or bleeding?" I told her no, not one drop of blood and no cramps. She's searching... searching.... searching... ah-ha! We see a very faint, teeny, tiny little flicker. That's what she called it. I thought it looked like a faint little blob or blurry line on the screen. She measured this blob and got a rough estimated due date of January 14th. Not bad. Only off by 2 days. She wants to see me again in 3 weeks though for another ultrasound to see if we can see more at that time. By then I should be almost 9 weeks. I'm praying that we can see more the next time and that everything is ok....

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